Yes we Drop Ship for eBay, Amazon and other marketplaces

Posted on November 11, 2015 by Kevin Ward | 0 comments

We often get asked, "Can I sell your products on eBay or Amazon?" The simple answer is yes.

The larger question is will you make money and how do you make sure you don't sell something we don't have. I am going to assume that you have your own website with our products on it and that you are either using the Shopify inventory sync or you are uploading our file every day. Thus your store is in sync with us and we are 99% certain not to oversell. That great but how do you keep your eBay or Amazon store in sync with your store? There is the expensive but robust way and the low-cost do-it-yourself way.

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Creating a Blog on Your Shopify Site

Posted on November 11, 2015 by Renice Jones | 1 comment

Adding content in the form of a blog on your Shopify site has positive effects on your site's search engine rankings.  Instead of a daily post on Facebook, why not create a daily blog and post the link to the blog in your daily post?  You haven't wasted your musings on a Facebook post that fades into oblivion on the page's Home page.  And if someone shares your post, the link to your site goes with it.  Here are the basic steps for creating a blog on the Shopify platform.

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Why is blogging important to your Marketing ?

Posted on November 10, 2015 by Kevin Ward | 0 comments

We believe sales occur from two basic drivers, first promotions and secondly your brand identity.  Building your brand identity is about telling your story, becoming the expert in your field and gaining customers trust as a serious knowledgeable brand. Essentially this involves creating and distributing content that makes you stand out. In turn others will link to your content creating credibility with search engines and improving your SEO score. Thus more traffic and more sales.

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Promoting Your Site Through Facebook

Posted on November 09, 2015 by Renice Jones | 0 comments

  So you’ve got this site with your organization’s name all over it. With these few steps, you will be able to increase traffic to the site and sales by positng links to your site on your Facebook posts and your Twitter tweets.  And just like having a site doesn't mean anyone will visit it, this blog describes how to ensure your Facebook post gets some traction (i.e. it shows up on your fans' news feeds.)


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